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hahuha Pfad-Hersteller-Form Wiederverwendbare konkrete Zement-Stein-Design-Straßenbetonierm...

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Preisvergleich Produktbild hahuha Pfad-Hersteller-Form Wiederverwendbare konkrete Zement-Stein-Design-Straßenbetonierm...

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DIY plastic molded paving mold is spread in Europe and America, is a personalized brick mold

Laying out the effect posted up like blocks of stones

So the path is more exotic, to create a style of their own garden path.

Material:PP Resin



How to use this Concrete Paver Mold to build the pathways:

Step 1:

Mix cement with water, according to package directions. When ready to use, the concrete will be the consistency of oatmeal and thick enough to hold an edge when you slice into it with a shovel.

Step 2:

Fill the paver mold, scooping the concrete in with a shovel and making sure to fill each area.

Step 3:

Using rubber gloves, spread the concrete around the mold, filling in any gaps or low points. Tap the mold with your hand to eliminate any air bubbles.

Step 4:

Following the contours of the mold, smooth out the concrete, wiping away any excess.

Step 5:

Allow the concrete to set for a maximum of five minutes, then carefully remove the mold. For the next stretch, rotate the mold a quarter-turn and place it beside the paver just completed, angling slightly if you're creating a curving pathway.

Step 6:

After letting the concrete cure overnight, fill the cracks with dirt and wash away any excess. Wet the ground around the newly formed pavers to help them settle

Package Included:

1 x Concrete Slabs Path Walk Maker Mould
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