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FBSPORT Aufblasbar Gymnastik Tumbling Matte Air Track Weichbodenmatte für Zuhause, Cheerleading, Strand, Park und Wasser-inklusive Steuer

Preisvergleich Produktbild FBSPORT Aufblasbar Gymnastik Tumbling Matte Air Track Weichbodenmatte für Zuhause, Cheerleading, Strand, Park und Wasser-inklusive Steuer
Features of Gymnastics mat :
a.Set up in your living room, back yard, at the beach, anywhere, whether indoor or ourdoor.
b.Easily portable from gym to gym. The Air Floor is so light and small it will easily fit on the back seat of your car.
b.c.Inflating and deflating is done in a single minute.
c.d.You can set the pressure to anything between rock-hard and bouncy-soft.
d.e.Jumps can be repeated more often with less chance of overuse injuries than on traditional training equipment, martial arts, elderly gym, fitness.
e.Size of the mat:9.8foot*3.2foot*0.32foot

Package Include:
1 x Inflatable Mat

-Make sure there is no fire around or sharp things,when have it in use.
-Make sure the Inflatable Mat in the dry places storage , and pay attention to rodent control insect bites.
-If the product damage within 0.3ft, you can use the repair glue and repair film, in the damaged and repair film coated with special glue.
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