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Rolling Stones-Gruppe. Figuren Harz Polystone®

Preisvergleich Produktbild Rolling Stones-Gruppe. Figuren Harz Polystone®
Polystone is a manufacturing medium used for cast sculptures, it is hard to find one that delivers a cleaner, more substantial representation of an original sculpture than a product manufactured in Polystone. Polystone has a significant weight, a porcelain like feel to the touch, and an incredible ability to capture the most minute detail, making it unsurpassed in collectible manufacturing materials. Polystone is a compound made up largely of polyurethane resin mixed with powdered stone additives that give it added weight and the porcelain or "stone-like" feel that resulted in the materials name itself. Polystone is durable and highly effective at maintaining a sharp paint finish. Unlike porcelain which is fired in an oven, Polystone is a cold-cast material in which no heat is used in the manufacturing process, resulting in much greater variations of paint finish.
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