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Luvabeau - Blonde

von Luvabella
Preisvergleich Produktbild Luvabeau - Blonde
Discover so many real baby surprises with Luvabeau! From the moment he opens his eyes and giggles, Luvabeau will amaze you with his true-to-life facial expressions and personality! He moves, talks and plays just like a real baby. Through touch and play he affectionately responds to your love! Cover his eyes for a game of peek-a-boo, tickle his tummy and toes to make him giggle or place a hand on his chest to gently listen to his heartbeat. You can even hold his feet to hear him say mama and begin to babble! The more you play with him, the more he'll talk! His babble will transform into over 100 clear words and phrases! Caring for Luvabeau is fun with his four interactive accessories! Use his spoon to feed him and he'll chew with delight! If he's not full, he may ask you for more! After his meal, help Luvabeau learn new animal names and sounds with his Lamby toy! If he gets fussy, all he needs is his soother. When it's time to go to bed after a big day of play, lull him to sleep with his bottle. Get to know all of Luvabeau's real baby surprises! Bring love home today!
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