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Lizard Man Figur

von Masters of the Universe
Preisvergleich Produktbild Lizard Man Figur
Masters of the Universe
his righteous reptile-human hybrid may be cold-blooded, but he burns with dedication to the Masters of the Universe®. Lizard Man doesn't hesitate to toss his tail into the fray to defend Eternia®, and he's a worthy warrior when speedy stealth is needed. Finally arriving in the MOTUC lineup, he comes with a Filmation sword for Skeletor® and the powerful Diamond Ray of Disappearance. Lizard Man Bio Real Name: Gayn Known as "Lizzie" by his friends, Lizard Man shares many attributes with his Reptile brethren, but chooses to align with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Although he deals with discrimination due to his genetic connection with the cold-blooded Snake Men, he is good-humored and has a warm heart. With his agility, balance, and fighting skills, Lizard Man is a devoted member of the Masters of the Universe, displaying his bravery while fighting Skeletor's henchman or being tossed into the air to aid the speedy rescue of the Sorceress. With his strong, thrashing tail and light agile body Lizard Man stealthily fights the forces of evil.
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