The LEGO Friends Heartlake Hospital has 3 floors of medical rooms and equipment to help care for patients. Theres a nursery with crib and weighing scales, an x-ray suite with scanner and lightbox, and an examination room with a bed and microscope for checking samples. The downstairs waiting room has a reception desk and vending machine as well as an emergency entrance for those arriving by ambulance or helicopter.
Build the LEGO Friends Heartlake Hospital, featuring a waiting room with sliding doors and a reception desk, an emergency entrance, an x-ray suite, and more!
Also includes a buildable ambulance and helicopter, nursery with rocking crib and bathroom, examination room with bed, helipad, anatomy skeleton, and lots of accessories
Hospital is over 10 high, 11 wide, and 2 deep. Ambulance is over 2 high, 4 long, and 1 wide
871 pieces For girls and boys between the ages of 7 and 12 years old
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