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Lego Duplo 10803 Arctic

von Duplo
Preisvergleich Produktbild Lego Duplo 10803 Arctic
Little Tier Lovers will love this easy-to-build Arctic Set. The Dog Sled, Kajak and Igloo Provide a real Sense of Adventure TO Inspire All Zauber of ICY role-play Stories. There 's so much to Learn About This Lebensraum and the Animals and People who Live There. Includes 2 LEGO DUPLO Figuren: A Dad and Child, plus hat Whale with Decke Opening Mouth, Polar Bear and a Husky Dog. Merkmale hat Buildable Igloo with Decke Opening Door and Stove, and Jahr Ice Block. Accessory Elements include hat Dog Sled, Kajak, Fishing Rod, Fish, Cooking Topf and a basketball. Includes Bricks Decorated AS ICE, hat Lantern And Crayfish AS Story Starter. Explore The Frozen Arctic and its amazing Wildlife by Kajak and Dog Sled. Build The Igloo to develop (Magazin) Basic Bau Skills. LEGO DUPLO Products are Safe and SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO BE Fun and Easy for Little Hands. Igloo man, Maße Over 4 (12 cm) High, 7 (19 cm) Wide and 4 (11 cm) Deep.
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