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Cerefy Atlas of Cerebral Vasculature

von Thieme Publishing Group
Preisvergleich Produktbild Cerefy Atlas of Cerebral Vasculature
Thieme Publishing Group
Correlating 3-D vasculature with surface and sectional neuroanatomy, this CD-ROM is an interactive electronic atlas that provides a vivid new way to view and study the cerebral vasculature. Comprehensive and accurate displays of the cerebral arteries and veins are skillfully integrated with cortical and ventricular anatomy and triplanar MRI and MRA. You can electronically dissect any of the 365 vessels, arteries and veins or build myriad sub-networks -- complete with labels and diameters -- which can be saved to an external drive and used as lecture slides. The sophisticated navigation system allows every display to be rotated in multiple planes and viewed from different angles. Highlights - Fully 3-D -- with 3-D measurements and stereotactic coordinates - Handy self-testing and assessment mode - Numerous meta-links to background information, variability and useful references -- including 215 pages of text and 100 images derived from Thieme material - All vessels segmented and clearly labeled with their name and diameter -- aspects often difficult to see in textbooks - Color coding for rapid identification of the different subgroups and branches of the arterial and venous systems The Cerefy® Atlas of Cerebral Vasculature is a powerful tool for every student, practitioner and educator in the clinical and basic neurosciences, including neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and interventional radiologists. Please visit www.cerefy.com, the Brain Atlas related web site. System Requirements: PC Only PC minimum requirements: 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or higher, 1 GB RAM or greater, 128 MB video card memory or greater, 305 MB hard disk space, monitor resolution: 1028 x 768 pixels and 16 bit colors or higher, Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, or Vista (English version is recommended). This product does not function on Macintosh computers, or Apple operating systems.
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