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Tasche 'Cherry Lane 3' von Envirosax

von Envirosax
Preisvergleich Produktbild Tasche 'Cherry Lane 3' von Envirosax
Bag yourself some Eco Friendly shopping Envirosax is the reusable shopping bag that you will actually want to use, no compromise on style and practicality here! The focus of the Envirosax as a company was to create a shopping bag that everyone wanted to use over and over again, young or old, you'll love these handy bags, and the more you love them, the more you'll use them, so we can all cut down on those supermarket carrier bags! The Eco-chic Envirosax are made from durable lightweight polyester which is built for toughness and extra strength. The bag is available in some great colour and patterns, and all the designs have been created and printed using eco friendly methods. Envirosax have also been manufactured meeting Fair Trade guidelines.
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