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USB Beheizte Warmer Wollhandschuhe Handschuh (Farbe: Wasser-Blau)

von Yongse
Preisvergleich Produktbild USB Beheizte Warmer Wollhandschuhe Handschuh (Farbe: Wasser-Blau)
USB Heated Warm Woolen Fingerless Gloves Mitten

Description :

Ever experience that your hand freezing and slowing down your reaction when you are playing game
Maybe when you're playing in an air-conditioned room or in the winter time.
Then the USB Heating gloves may suits your need. It has a warming pad inside.
Once you plug it in the USB port, it will be warming your hands. Do a great job de-frosting your hands and great for those who live in cold places.
100% Brand New & High QualityLow power consumption, high security and energy conservationOpen-end design allows your fingers moving easilyWarm the hands in the cold environmentDe-frosting your hands for gaming.
Typing and mouse controllingGlove made of wool and connects USB port individuallySuitable for desktop / notebook PCEach glove built-in 2 warming padIt is both a practical and thoughtful gift.

Packages includes :

1 X USB Warm Mitten

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