Started in 2005 this New Wave of British Heavy Metal influenced group shares its inspiration from artist such as Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Thin Lizzy, and Scorpions. The album reflects the typical unique sound of the band you find on every single release! After "...and the Rift of the Pandimensional Under-gods" (KMR-CD004 / 2010) and "Drunk on Blood - And the Sepulcher of the Mirror Warlocks" (KMR-CD026 / 2015) the band from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA renamed to MEGA COLOSSUS before the release of "Hyperglaive"to stop the mixing up with other bands of same name.Roots somewhere deep in the NWOBHM, borrowings from IRON MAIDEN, they may bring to mind SLOUGH FEG as well. At the end of the day the Americans bring out a fantastic and unique sound which raises one's hackles. Your CD player is filled for the next days! As soon as the band will be discovered they will enthrall multitudes of fans! This is confirmed by the so far high-class reviews. Along with the new album the video "You Died" will be released simultaneously on the DVD "Kill For Metal Vol. I"!TRACK LISTING:1. Sunsword2. Sea Of Stars3. Gods And Demons4. The Judge5. Betta Master6. Behold The Worm7. You Died8. Star Wranglers
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