LORDS OF THE TRIDENT show it is still possible to write great classis heavy metal songs. With costumes, their humoristic presentation (see website) and a high energetic live show they entertain their fans highly! They belong to the best newcomers in traditonal heavy metal for sure! It's time to reach a wider audience and 2015 is the year! With their fifth release "Frostburn" for the first time a CD of the band is released outside the US. The band feels at home in the Eighties und they play their heavy metal loved by the fans at that time! All into classic heavy metal since the 1980ies should check out this album!TRACK LISTING:1. Knights Of Dragon's Deep2. The Longest Journey3. Winds Of The Storm4. Manly Witness5. Haze Of The Battlefield6. Kill To Die7. Den Of The Wolf8. Light This City9. The Cloud Kingdom10. Shattered Skies
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