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Bio Planète - Organic Peanut Oil - 500ml (Case of 6)

von Bio Planète
Preisvergleich Produktbild Bio Planète - Organic Peanut Oil - 500ml (Case of 6)
Bio Planète

Bio Planete's of a healthier lifestyle, careful management of precious resources, and the passion for quality virgin oils are the secrets that lie behind their top of the range selection. More than 30 years ago Franz J. Moog fell in love with the beautiful scenery of the Cathar region, located between Carcassonne and Toulouse in the South of France. He instantly realized that this sunny countryside was the ideal place to put his vision of organic farming into practice. From a modest beginning, the “Domaine de la Planète” farm would soon evolve into a successful oil mill, now renowned as an outstanding producer of organic oils, unifying state-of-the-art technology with traditional ways of production, always choosing the gentlest processing methods possible. As the prerequisite for the extraction of these premium-quality oils, the raw materials derive solely from organic farming methods.

By buying certified organic raw materials at fair trade prices, Bio Planete have been supporting sustainable development for more than 30 years. The Moog oil mill supports the establishing of new social programmes, regional commercial networks, training, research, and the fair trade certification process by the International Fair-trade Labelling Organisation

Peanut oil is generally made from roasted peanuts and is then steam treated. Our peanut oil is different: it is 100% natural and 100 % pure. What is more, the peanuts used in our oil undergo an intensive selection process, and we only take in healthy, shelled nuts of the highest quality, which we press as soon as we receive them.

We are proud to be able to offer an organic peanut oil that has neither been roasted before pressing nor steamed after pressing.

Peanut oil, also known as groundnut oil or arachis oil, is a mild tasting vegetable oil derived from peanuts. The oil is available in refined, unrefined, cold pressed, and roasted varieti

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