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Unico Gran Reserva - 2009 - Vega Sicilia

von Vega Sicilia
Preisvergleich Produktbild Unico Gran Reserva - 2009 - Vega Sicilia
Vega Sicilia
Unico Gran Reserva - 2009 - Vega Sicilia Jg. 1966 Doctorwine: 98 von 100 Punkten. "Doctorwine" hat den Wein "Vega Sicilia Unico Gran Reserva, Ribera del Duero, Spain" aus dem Jahrgang 1966 am 24.02.2016 mit 98 von 100 Punkten bewertet."The first nuances of garnet have finally begun to appear in the wine’s almost impenetrable red color. The aromas have become even more complex and are not easy to distinguish completely. Notes of red berries are so intense they seem to attack your nostrils while other clear scents include those of tea leaves, antique leather, licorice and rhubarb accompanied by an infinite number nuances. The mouthfeel is soft yet not yielding, rich in texture with amazing balances between the acidity, tannins and sugar component. Once again the length is infinite. The older the wine gets the more its sensations become inimitable." Jg. 1970 Doctorwine: 98 von 100 Punkten. "Doctorwine" hat den Wein "Vega Sicilia Unico Gran Reserva, Ribera del Duero, Spain" aus dem Jahrgang 1970 am 24.02.2016 mit 98 von 100 Punkten bewertet."The color is so intact it appears embalmed, a dark, intense and deep red. The intensity of the aromas seems amplified compared to previous vintages and it is almost as if the already high heights achieved have been multiplied. There are now notes of graphite together with the typical ones of tobacco and chocolate. Overall, the variety of sensations is extraordinary, always changing and never tame, in this case with those of cloves joining the mineral scents and hints of cinnamon. The texture and force of the mouthfeel make it stinging with a bold and caressing body and sublime elegance." Jg. 1986 Doctorwine: 98 von 100 Punkten. "Doctorwine" hat den Wein "Vega Sicilia Unico Gran Reserva, Ribera del Duero, Spain" aus dem Jahrgang 1986 am 24.02.2016 mit 98 von 100 Punkten bewertet."Here again the color is untamed, without any concessions. The aromas are perfectly developed with those of spice playing a leading
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