Tempt your Taste Buds with our Brand New Flavours for 2018 Natural Summer Punch Essence is perfect for making your food and drink creations taste like summer fun. Summer Punch is a fruity twist of Strawberry Raspberry & Blueberry perfect to boost to any summer drink taking it to new heights! Natural Essences - 50ml - comes in a glass bottle All natural for concentrated flavour to the last drop. Our Natural Flavours can be used in so many ways - in baking soups drinks desserts sauces meringues stews gravies stir frys - in fact anywhere you want to have just the right flavour (and it's flavour without the bits!!). We call them liquid ingredients and use them all the time. Our flavours are in use in cosmetics cooked meats smoothies puddings ice creams beer chocolates popcorn and even fish bait! Please note: Our Flavourings are Natural and contain No Sugars All Essences are suitable are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. There are no other ingredients - no gluten no nuts no caffeine no dairy no soya no animal products. Most of our flavours do not contain alcohol however there are a few that do. Please check the label or contact us regarding any specific information required. Essences are supplied in Mono Propylene Glycol an inert carrier ethanol (alcohol) - or a combination depending on what provides the best result in terms of stability and shelf life. The Woodsmoke Essence is the only one that contains water.
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