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Griechische tratitionelle Wurst aus der Insel Santorini in extra nativem Olivenöl mit sonnengetrockneten Tomaten Nettogewicht 640gr im Glas

von Paderis Bros Fine Meats
Preisvergleich Produktbild Griechische tratitionelle Wurst aus der Insel Santorini in extra nativem Olivenöl mit sonnengetrockneten Tomaten Nettogewicht 640gr im Glas
Paderis Bros Fine Meats
Greek Sausages of Santorini Island, Traditional Country Style Meat Delicacy, in Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Sun Dried Tomato. Net Weight 640gr, Glass Jar:

A delicious combination of : Greek traditional country style sausages, with well-made preparation and unique appetizing aspects. With the addition of the priceless Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the peak of the Mediterranean Diet with its unrivaled healthy benefits. Framed finally with Herbs collected by the Greek countryside do more than simply adding flavour, they have impressive healing powers, too.

The unique climate of Greece, together with the aromas released by the wild herbs growing on the countryside, create the ideal conditions for the natural maturing of the cold cuts. Its exquisite flavour is due to the strict selection of pork meat and the excellent taste of Olive Oil and Sun Dried Tomato, give it its wonderful full bodied taste.

One of the authentic elements of Santorini culture is gastronomy. The art of choosing and preparing good food has four secrets: high quality ingredients, proper use of herbs, the unique Greek extra virgin olive oil and simplicity.

Try this scrumptious sausage fried or grilled, and accompany it with a glass of ouzo (traditional Greek grape distillate). You can also slice it and add it as a topping to pizza, peynirli or pasta. Alternatively, you can add it to giant beans or chickpeas that you have previously baked in tomato sauce!

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