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Brezzo - Italienischer Rhododendronhonig 250 gr

von Brezzo
Preisvergleich Produktbild Brezzo - Italienischer Rhododendronhonig 250 gr
Rhododendron honey is one of the most precious and appreciate honey. It is collected in the meadows of rhododendron in the Alpine valleys, at an altitude of almost 2000 meters, from late June to early July. At this altitude, the risks are many (night temperatures drop down to a few degrees above zero and in general the weather is very variable so that it may happen to find snow). This makes the collection of this honey particularly difficult and tricky. The honey that you get is extremely delicate and its quality is so high that repay the beekeeper for all his efforts. The colour is clear, the crystallization is fine and creamy, with soft crystals very pleasing for the palate. In the mouth the sensations are pleasant, and the sweet taste is very strong. The delicate aroma is enhanced by a note of floral freshness.
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