Wholegrain oats with milk enriched with calcium, iron and vitamins Made with organic follow on milk this cereal is enriched with calcium, iron and vitamins that are essential for your babies' growth and development. This stage 1 breakfast cereal has a smooth texture, which is ideal for the first stages of weaning. As weaning progresses, you can increase the amounts used according to your baby's age and appetite. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Our delicious breakfast cereals are made with the finest organic ingredients, packed with energy and important nutrients to give your baby the best possible start to their day. Our breakfast cereals are made with the finest organic grains to provide a breakfast that is bursting with flavour and yummy goodness. We have been feeding babies organically for over 50 years, it's no wonder mums choose HiPP Organic time and time again. Why not try one of the other delicious organic cereals in our range HiPP Organic Banana Porridge HiPP Organic Banana & Peach Breakfast HiPP Organic Apple, Banana & 4 Cereal Breakfast No preservatives
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