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Pukka - Three Tulsi Tea - 36g

von Pukka
Preisvergleich Produktbild Pukka - Three Tulsi Tea - 36g
Pukka's unique range of organic herbal remedies and award winning teas are based on the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – ‘the art of living wisely.’ It set up Pukka Herbs to make the wonders of this wisdom easily accessible to everyone.

Pukka’s family of Teas and Organic Wellbeing are all firmly rooted in the principles of organic farming. This means much more to Pukkan than just the absence of agrochemicals; it is a method of growing crops in a way that connects people with the plants and the soil. It is a way of living lightly on the planet, ensuring that it gives back as much as it takes, of creating cycles of beneficial intent at each stage of a product’s journey from field to shelf.

Many of Pukka are familiar with the Fairtrade mark and are aware that it is supposed to guarantee that a product has been produced and traded in an ethical manner.

India calls tulsi 'Holy Basil', for it's there that it is legendary. For you, wherever you are, it's ready to weave its magic. First, verdant green tulsi for sweeping away the clutter, then purple tulsi for uplifting the spirits, and to finish lemon tulsi with a zesty twist to inspire you onwards.

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