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Orzo Kaffee - lösliche Gerste 200g

Preisvergleich Produktbild Orzo Kaffee - lösliche Gerste 200g
OrzoCoffee Pronto, Organic Instant soluble barley is easy to prepare. Put 2 or 3 teaspoons of OrzoCoffee Pronto in a mug. Add a little hot water and stir until OrzoCoffee Pronto has dissolved. Add milk or sugar to taste and your OrzoCoffee Pronto is now ready to enjoy! For a creamier flavour OrzoCoffee Pronto can be prepared with warm milk instead of water. OrzoCoffee Pronto can also be used to make cakes, biscuits and other recipes. Reseal the packet or use an air-tight container to keep your OrzoCoffee Pronto fresh. Store in a cool and dry place. Nutritional values (per 100 g of OrzoCoffee Pronto) Energy: Kcal 346 (kJ 1471); Protein:6.5 g; Carbohydrate: 79.8; Fat: 1 g
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