Gentle organic breastmilk substitute. Organic, first infant powdered milk from birth onwards. WITH OMEGA 3 & 6 LCPs + PREAEBIOTIC® From birth onwards Babies grow and change almost daily in their first few months of life. HiPP Organic have milks suitable for every age so you can be sure to give your little one the right nutrition at the right time if they are being bottle fed. HiPP Organic Baby Milks are available in powdered and ready-to-feed formats and the range includes First Infant Milk, Hungry Infant Milk, Follow On Milk and Growing Up Milk. Why Choose HiPP Organic First Infant Milk Breastfeeding is best for your baby as breastmilk contains many special ingredients, including prebiotics (oligosaccharides) and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPs), which are known to benefit your baby. HiPP Organic is the only Organic Baby Milk range available in the UK. Combining the benefits of nature with what we have learnt from breastmilk, this gentle Organic Infant Milk is specially formulated using only the finest organic milk and provides the nutrients babies need to grow strong and healthy when they are not being breastfed. HiPP Organic First Infant Milk is a nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute for use from birth. Certified Organic HiPP are the world's experts in organic baby food and nutrition with over 50 years experience. All the organic ingredients used in HiPP Organic First Infant Milk are tested at every stage of production for purity and to ensure no unwanted chemicals. Contains PRAEBIOTIK® (oligosaccharides) HiPP Organic First Infant Milk contains PRAEBIOTIK®, a source of oligosaccharides. Omega 3 & 6 LCPs (DHA & AA) HiPP Organic First Infant Milk contains added omega 3 (DHA) and omega 6 (AA) LCPs.
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