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Aptamil 1 First Milk Starter Pack From Birth 6 x 90G

von Aptamil
Preisvergleich Produktbild Aptamil 1 First Milk Starter Pack From Birth 6 x 90G
Ready to use Nutiritonally complete Unique GOS/FOS blend (0.8g/100ml) Nucleotides LCPs (Omega 3 & 6) UHT sterilised First milk starter pack Making the right feeding choices for you and your baby As experts in infant milk, Aptamil has successfully fed millions of babies worldwide. With over 50 years of experience in baby nutrition, our passionate team of over 250 paediatricians, nutritionists and scientists continue to take inspiration from the benefits of nature to develop unique formulas, helping your baby get the nutrition he or she needs at every stage of development. Aptamil First milk is also available ready-made in a 200ml and 1L pack and as a 900g powder. Aptamil Starter pack contains: 6 ready to feed bottles of Aptamil First milk - supplying approx. 24 hours worth of feeds 6 teats - specialised orthodontic shape for optimised flow, which screw directly onto the bottle No need to sterilise - ready to nurse with no additional preparation requirements. Aptamil First is packaged in a protective atmosphere. Contents may settle in transit.
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