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ibo 100(A) / 24L Jet Booster Pump, Marine, 52 x 28 x 56 cm

von ibo
Preisvergleich Produktbild ibo 100(A) / 24L Jet Booster Pump, Marine, 52 x 28 x 56 cm
Maximum suction up to 8m, maximum flow up to 3600L/H, maximum head up to 50m, power - 1100W/ ports - 1"x1"
Durable construction - pump body made of cast iron/ High performace - becouse of high head-50m pump can bu used for watering/ Tube venturi - IBO pump are self suction
universal applicatioon - the pump can be permanently installed or used mobile/ Handy - pumps is easy to install, uninstall ore move to another plce.
it's enought to fill only the pump without filling wjhole instalation/ drain screw - if necessary it's easy to remove water from the pump/ Durability
motor of pump is equiped in overload protection/ Seal - becouse double mechanical seal life time of pump is longer compare to pumps equiped in oil seal.
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