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Original Kavatza Tabaktasche Tabba Weichleder cognac Holzbrettchen Stopfer Drehertasche P3

von PatchouliWorld
Preisvergleich Produktbild Original Kavatza Tabaktasche Tabba Weichleder cognac Holzbrettchen Stopfer Drehertasche P3
The Original Kavatza POUCH made of high quality leather is unique, practical and fits easily into every pocket. It is intended for people who roll up with Tobacco and therefore in a common size of a Tobacco Pouch. It has two inside pockets, the rear one for the Tobacco and the front one for filter tips, lighter,etc. Further on it contains a paper holder, an attached stuffing prong, and of course the curved wooden rolling base with a secure rubber band to prevent the paper get blown away while rolling. The entire preparation until lightening the "Cigarette" happens in one closed system. Everything is in one place and remains where it should be. The Original Kavatza POUCH is ideal for use on the go. Just place it on your knee or table and roll away ...Enjoint it(-;
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