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LINEAX KABEL H07RN-F 3x1,5 mm² (3G1,5) bis 3x2,5 mm² (3G2,5) Baustellenkabel, Industriekabel geeignet für den Außenbereich 5-50m (3G1,5; 20m)

von netbote24®
Preisvergleich Produktbild LINEAX KABEL H07RN-F 3x1,5 mm² (3G1,5) bis 3x2,5 mm² (3G2,5) Baustellenkabel, Industriekabel geeignet für den Außenbereich 5-50m (3G1,5; 20m)
Schwere Gummischlauchleitung für verschiedene Anwendungsfälle, bei denen hohe mechanische und thermische Belastungen auftreten. Description Application LINEAX flexible cable is intended for installations with moving equipment, electric appliances and for building sites. The cable may be rated 0,6/1 kV where the installation has built-in protection and for motors in lifting appliances - machine tools - etc. This cable can be used in refrigerating installations. Installation This cable can be installed in open air or be buried but with extra mechanical protection. Conductors laid up Assembled conductors. Nota Max continuous operating conductor temperature in normal use : +60°C ( in every case of mobile installation) +85°C ( fixed protected installation ) +200°C ( in short circuit ) Permissible current rating is measured for an ambient temperature of 30°C and a maximum operating and conductor temperature of 85°C . For other temperature please refer to correction factors .
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