One Gripping Adventure: Hunt the foul Seteki through a rip-roaring campaign filled with dangerous dig sites, prodigious pyramids and crumbling caves packed with bountiful foes to send back to the afterlife. Explore alone or team up in 2-4 player online co-op
Four Fearless Fortune Hunters: Travel the ancient world as one of four dashing agents trained to tackle the supernatural. Unleash devastating magical powers and unload powerful prototype weapons such as the fire-spitting Krakatoa, the ice-cold Chill Burster, and the brain-busting Blunderbuss
A Legion of Malevolent Monsters: Seteki is not the only mythological menace to have awoken shes brought an army of loyal beasts with her! Face her many nefarious neer-do-wells, including moaning mummies, fire-breathing assassins, armour-plated minotaurs, giant scorpions and much, much worse
Xbox One
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