Originally released in 1998, Resident Evil 2, one of the most legendary games ever, is completely revisited for new generation consoles. Take on both campaigns for Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, using a new 3rd person view as you explore the raccoon-infested areas of Raccoon City, now beautifully redesigned thanks to Capcom's proprietary engine, RE Engine. New puzzles, textures and areas will ensure that both new and old players can find terrifying surprises! Resident Evil 2 is back and is more terrifying than ever Fear, tension, quality. The Survival Horror par excellence that shocked the world makes its comeback in January 2019. The zombies will drag you into the deepest horror. Driven solely by instinct, these creatures act with the sole impulse to devour their victims, grabbing and tearing away every living being that is in front of them. This time you can feel their teeth sink into your flesh, thanks to the engaging view behind the character's shoulders. Every area of Racoon City is reconstructed in every detail. The characters, the settings and the story have been completely revisited to create a new and terrifying world, but that could transmit at the same time the sense of nostalgia so loved by fans of the series.
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