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Death Jr: Root of Evil - Nintendo Wii

von WB Games
Preisvergleich Produktbild Death Jr: Root of Evil - Nintendo Wii
WB Games
Two Playable Characters - Play through the entire game as either Death Jr. or Pandora, or team up with a friend in the new local co-op mode. Discover new weapons, combat moves and storyline details playing as each character.
Seamless Action and 3D Platforming - 19 levels and over 45 different species of enemies deliver a great variety of action and platforming gameplay.
Robust Weapons and Upgrade System - Tons of upgradeable weapons loaded with humor ranging from flaming toilet paper throwers to C4 hamsters.
New Intuitive Camera and Control System - Two new simple control methods based on ranged and melee combat, and a full 3D camera makes for a cleaner, faster and more fun experience.
An overall more polished and rich experience tailored specifically for the Wii. Includes enhanced storyline presentation, enemy pacing, and improved user interface.
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