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Datel Powersaves + 512 MB SD für Wii

von Datel
Preisvergleich Produktbild Datel Powersaves + 512 MB SD für Wii

Featuring a 1GB SD card packed with Powersaves and a copy of MAX Media Manager PRO PC application, you can cheat at your Wii your games and put your console at the heart of your digital life

As well as a 1GB SD card packed with Powersaves, Powersaves 1GB comes supplied with MAX Media Manager PRO PC application. The perfect media management solution, MAX Media Manager PRO lets you transfer MP3s to your SD card, and even rip CDs. Video footage can be converted and condensed, and you can subscribe to podcasts, manage your picture collection and even swap game saves with people from all over the world, as well as downloading more Powersaves for the latest games from the CodeJunkies server!


Manage and transfer audio, video and image files. Subscribe to podcasts. Rip CDs and DVDs direct to your SD card. Exchange and download game saves Back up saves to your PC. Includes 1GB SD Powersave Card.
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