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Virtue's Last Reward [UK Import]

Preisvergleich Produktbild Virtue's Last Reward [UK Import]

Everybody dies… …can you escape the inescapable

Kidnapped and taken to a mysterious warehouse, Sigma awakens in an elevator with a girl named Phi. He soon discovers that there are seven others playing a sick game of life or death with guidance from a mysterious rabbit named Zero III. Their mission: survive and escape the warehouse. But with secrets, betrayal and intrigue everywhere, who will survive this warehouse of hell

Heralded Beginnings Successor to the highly acclaimed ‘9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors’ with some old friends joining the new cast Beautifully Original Visual elements masterfully rendered in 3D and featuring original Japanese voice with English subtitles Different Gameplay Experiences Two types of gameplay, ‘Novel’ and ‘Escape’ sections, offer players a chance to drastically change outcomes and solve complex puzzles Multiple Endings Play different timelines and find the one true ending
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