DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE is a one of a kind music gaming experience built from the ground up for the Sony PlayStation®Vita. Based of the hit arcade experience, players use the PS Vita touch screen to interact with a wide variety of songs from all genres. Players are rewarded for continuous play with loads of hidden content including videos, OST tracks, new songs to play, and even a gallery full of images which give insight on into the creation of the game. Players can link their PSN account to join online ranking, customize gameplay, and make use of special in-game bonuses. Exclusive to TECHNIKA TUNE are two new types of notes, created to make use of PS Vita's rear touch panel and add a new level of depth to gameplay. With the largest soundtrack found in the series to date and a vault full of unlockable content, DJMAX TECHNIKA TUNE is sure to deliver the same addictive experience that has invaded arcades nationwide!
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