Experience a legendary Odyssey and face an epic adventure in a world where every choice counts. Sentenced to death by your family, embark on a fantastic journey that, as a hired mercenary, will make you a legendary Greek hero and unveil the secrets that lie behind your past. Fight your way through a war-torn world inhabited by men and gods, where mountains and sea merge. Meet the most famous characters of Ancient Greece and leave your imprint on some of the most fundamental events in the history of Western civilization. In Assassin's Creed Odyssey the choices of the player play a central role as never before had happened in the saga, allowing to choose the type of hero you want to be and to influence the whole game world. Be the arbiter of your destiny through the bonds you create with the characters and the choices you make during your Odyssey. Customize your equipment and master new special abilities, defining your fighting style. Fight your way through all of Greece, fighting fierce battles by sea and on land to become a true legendary hero. BECOME A GREEK HERO LEGENDARY - For the first time in the Assassin's Creed series, choose whether to embark on your epic adventure as Alexios or Kassandra. During your trip you can modify your equipment, improve your skills and customize your ship. IMMERGATE IN THE GREEK ANTICA - Explore a totally uncontaminated territory, from the snowy peaks of the mountains to the depths of the Aegean Sea, passing through the symbolic cities of the Golden Age of Ancient Greece. The adventure will feature unexpected encounters with colorful characters, battles with cruel mercenaries and much more. CHOOSE YOUR ROAD TO TRAVEL - Your choices will change the world around you with more than 30 hours of multiple dialogues and endings.
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