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[UK-Import]Black Game PS2

von Electronic Arts
Preisvergleich Produktbild [UK-Import]Black Game PS2
Electronic Arts
Produktbeschreibung des HerstellersBlack is a fresh and unique take on the first-person shooter. Moving away from the covert and simulation obsessed games of recent years, Black delivers intense action gun fights by identifying the key components of great Hollywood shoot-outs and recreating them as a game. The peerless fire-and-effect experience will revolutionise video game shooting.With the odds stacked heavily in the enemy's favour, the player can only succeed by learning a new style of attack&. be bold, be aggressive and use the physical environment as an ally. In Black, it's not just who you shoot, it's what you shoot. Signs, walls, statues, doors, ceilings, and windows can all be destroyed to surprise, stun, wound or kill your enemy with devastating results. Every bullet has an impact, every impact has an effect
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