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The Real Csi: A Forensic Handbook for Crime Writers

Preisvergleich Produktbild The Real Csi: A Forensic Handbook for Crime Writers
Who is allowed access to a crime scene What happens when a body is discovered Will a blood transfusion alter DNA How can the distribution of gunshot residue inform your plot The Real CSI - A Forensic Handbook for Crime Writers answers these questions and more in a unique and exclusive insight into crime scene investigation. Using real-life examples and case studies, experienced CSI Kate Bendelow shines a light behind the yellow tape and debunks the myths popularized by the 'CSI Effect'. Each chapter explores the latest procedures in contemporary practice including: Crime Scene access and preservation; fingerprints and DNA profiling; footwear; trace evidence; Fire scenes; drugs and toxicology and, finally, firearms. Packed with insider knowledge, handy tips and compelling storylines, this is the definitive guide for all crime writers who wish to write with authenticity and authority.
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