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The Electric Car Guide - 2015 Edition: Discover the truth about owning and using electric cars

Preisvergleich Produktbild The Electric Car Guide - 2015 Edition: Discover the truth about owning and using electric cars
Discover the truth about owning and using electric cars. The Electric Car Guide - 2015 Edition - is the definitive guide to owning an electric car. Written by an author who has owned an electric car for the past eight years, it explains the benefits and drawbacks of electric car ownership, explores the environmental benefits and demonstrates the true costs associated with owning an electric car. If you are interested in owning an electric car and want to know more about them, you're reading the right book. By the time you have finished reading this book, you will understand what it is like to own, use and live with an electric car. You will understand the arguments both for and against electric car use and you will know whether or not an electric car is suitable for you.
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