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British Lorries of the 1950s (Those Were the Days...)

Preisvergleich Produktbild British Lorries of the 1950s (Those Were the Days...)
British commercial vehicle manufacturers played a key role in bolstering Britain's economy throughout the 1950s, especially during the period of postwar austerity, a time when they contributed to the all-important export drive. British lorries were, therefore, seen as the workhorses of the world and performed a wide range of tasks from goods delivery to heavy haulage. This highly visual study of British lorries of the 1950s captures, in 120 illustrations, the vital but often understated duties that were reliably conducted 365 days a year. The images, contemporary black and white as well as colour, include evocative publicity material in addition to pictures from the preservation and heritage scene. The comprehensive text reveals much about the marques that were household names, along with information about Britain's road haulage and commercial motor industries. Malcolm Bobbitt, member of the Society of Automotive Historians and the Guild of Motoring Writers, is the author of some thirty books. In this instance he has combined a collection of fascinating images with informative text to provide a nostalgic and unique insight into British lorries of the 1950s.
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