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BMW M3 Ultimate Portfolio 1986-2006: M3. E30. E36. E46. Coupe. Convertible. Racing. Saloon

Preisvergleich Produktbild BMW M3 Ultimate Portfolio 1986-2006: M3. E30. E36. E46. Coupe. Convertible. Racing. Saloon
The M3 is based on the prosaic 3 Series family sedan and has 'redefined' the term 'sports saloon'. There were several iterations of the M3 including two EVO versions and a convertible, but BMW shocked the world with the release of the E36 M3 in 1993. It had a new engine with a maximum speed electronically limited to 155mph. Not only was the new M3 quick but the international media was full of praise for the Germany hotrod. Everybody who was anybody simply had to be seen in one. In 2000, BMW released the E46 M3 which was a much more refined car to drive. The E46 M3 was a simply brilliant package that had absolutely no peers unless you considered the true exoticars. It was a genuine sales success all over the world.
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