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Ivy Global's New SAT Mini-Diagnostic

Preisvergleich Produktbild Ivy Global's New SAT Mini-Diagnostic
For students who will be taking the new, revised SAT test in 2016. This full-length test is its own booklet to closely replicate the experience of taking the exam. The exam is ideal for a diagnostic tests for personal study, as well as for organizations who run SAT courses and tutoring. The exam can provide an accurate representation on how a student will do on the real exam. In addition, you get a professional looking score report by grading the answer with Ivy Global's spreadsheet. The student answer sheet and scoring spreadsheet is downloadable from our website after purchase. Ivy Global's New SAT Guide provides additional practice, coverage of the different sections on the test, and extensive strategies. We also recommend New SAT Practice Test 2, which is another diagnostic test, and can be used in conjunction with this test for additional practice. For organizations or prep companies, we recommend using the New SAT Practice Test 1 as an initial diagnostic and Practice Test 2 as a final diagnostic to give your students a professional, simulated test taking experience.
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