To carry a camera all the time was once the preserve of those that needed to - professional photographers and dedicated enthusiasts. Smart phones, however, have put powerful and competent cameras, literally, in our pockets. As a result we are documenting our lives as never before, photographing and filming the important celebrations and mundane delights of everyday life. And then sharing them. But do we realize the full potential of these camera phones This book is a dedicated guide to taking, creating, manipulating and sharing photographs taken specifically on a smart phone or tablet, with other sections covering their video settings to help you shoot your very own blockbuster film. Both instructive and inspirational, the book has sections devoted to the Top 10 rules for taking photographs on a camera phone, to particular genres, including shooting children and pets, concerts and festivals, action and sport, before discussing the best apps and special effects to download that will enable you to get really creative. Enhanced with Pro Tips to help you elevate ordinary photos into something more professional, 'Try this' panels, and jargon buster boxes that explain technical terms in context, the book provides all the information you need to make the most of your smart phone, from the moment impulse strikes to displaying your images on file-sharing websites.
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