If you've ever wished you could learn about all of the creative possibilities the Lensbaby offers, this is the book for you! Seeing subjects with a new perspective is at the heart of the Lensbaby experience, and with the essential information found in this book, youll be able to take your creative exploration to the next level. Written by Lensbaby Guru Corey Hilz, Lensbaby: Bending Your Perspective starts off with an overview of each lens in the Lensbaby suite. Then comes the fun stuff! Packed with tips on composition and techniques for capturing your best images, youll be immersed in the wonderful world of Lensbaby in no time. On nearly every page youll find a full color image created by a Lensbaby expert to inspire your own shooting. Youll also find complete coverage of all of the Lensbaby accessories, from the Optic Swap System to a macro kit, creative aperture discs, and a super wide angle lens. With this gorgeous and practical book by your side, youll never see the world in the same way again. *The only complete resource with all of the information you need to know to create successful Lensbaby images *Includes beautiful portfolio galleries covering a full range of styles from some of the best photographers working with a Lensbaby
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