Divided, mirrored, repeated: a limitless sequence created by Gerhard Richter from an original oil painting. The image of the original painting is divided vertically into 2. Each divided part is divided again, producing 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048, and 4096 strips. This process (twelve stages of division) results in 8190 strips, each of which is the height of the original image. With each stage of division the strips become narrower (a strip taken from the twelfh division is 0.08 mm wide). Each strip is then mirrored and repeated which results in patterns. The number of repetitions increases with each stage of division making patterns of consistent size. An infinite number of division is possible, but they would become visible only by enlargement. This publication presents the 238 selected patterns identified by number on the Contents page overleaf . 16mo (cm 15x22) pp. 336 Rilegato (hardback) Nuovo (New)
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