With her brassy voice and bold performances making the world finally pay attention, Sophie Von Haselberg, the ambitious Jewish girl from Hawaii, embarked on her first world tour, and the force of nature known as Bette Midler was born. In A View from A Broad, she relives the rehearsals, fear of flying, intensive schedules, and wisdom of Thai Gondoliers with the razor-blade wit that Bette fans have know and love. As Midler writes in the new introduction: "This book was a kind of last hurrah. When I read it, I hear a disarmingly younger, sweeter voice... I am not sure that this little confection captures a whole time, but I think it's an accurate picture of the spirit and tone of what I was doing in those days...I hope it holds up, and that you find your best younger self in it as I do..." A View from a Broad is a perfect gift for anyone who loves music, theatre, or just plain fun and will be cherished by the fans of Diving Miss M for years to come.
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