PLEASE NOTE: This game is in English and MAY NOT contain a translation into your language. "EAT, YELLOW, CIRCLE do you mean pancakes Or pineapple rings Oh wait, the CIRCLE is DIVIDED So something that you eat that is yellow and semicircular Uh, is it, maybea banana" "Yes, the answer is banana! One point for the Blue Team!"In the communication game Word Slam, two teams compete against one another simultaneously. In each round, one player on each team tries to get their teammates to guess a hidden word or phrase using only the 105 explanatory cards available in the box. Speaking and acting is absolutely forbidden for the storytellers! They must tell their stories using only 105 cards, each with one word on it: a noun, verb, adjective, or preposition. A player can use as many explanatory cards as desired, and whichever team guesses correctly first scores a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!
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