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Why Do Bush Babies Have Huge Eyes

Preisvergleich Produktbild Why Do Bush Babies Have Huge Eyes
Why do bush babies have huge eyes Is it because someone surprised them No, thats silly! Bush babies have large, round eyes to be able to see at night! Come along on a rainforest adventure and have fun learning the special things about animals that help them survive in the rainforest, because since there are so many animals that live there, there is a lot of competition for food. We live on a wonderful planet full of amazing and fascinating animals. It seems no matter how much we learn about animals, they still manage to surprise us! In this book, not only will your child learn unique characteristics about their favorite animals, they will get to imagine them in silly and unexpected ways! As they learn about the animals, they will also learn about their different environments. Through an interactive format and lots of giggles, get ready to discover while having fun!
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