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The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide

Preisvergleich Produktbild The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide
The LEGO(R) Technic system opens a new realm of building possibilities. Using motors, gears, pneumatics, pulleys, linkages, and more, you can design LEGO models that really move. The Unofficial LEGO Technic Builder's Guide is filled with building tips for creating strong yet elegant machines and mechanisms with the Technic system. Author Pawel "Sairel" Kmiec will teach you the foundations of LEGO Technic building, from simple machines to advanced mechanics, even explaining how to create realistic to-scale models. Sariel, a world-renowned LEGO Technic expert, offers unique insight into mechanical principles like torque, power translation, and gear ratios, all using Technic bricks.You'll learn how to: * Create sturdy connections that can withstand serious stress * Re-create specialized LEGO pieces like casings and u-joints, and build solutions like Schmidt and Oldham couplings, when no standard piece will do * Build custom differentials, suspensions, transmissions, and steering systems * Pick the right motor for the job-and transform its properties to suit your needs * Combine studfull and studless building styles for a stunning look * Create remote-controlled vehicles, lighting systems, motorized compressors, and pneumatic engines This beautifully illustrated, full-color book will inspire you with ideas for building amazing machines like tanks with suspended treads, supercars, cranes, bulldozers, and much more. Your Technic adventure starts now!
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