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Wolves of the Beyond #1: Lone Wolf

von Scholastic Us
Preisvergleich Produktbild Wolves of the Beyond #1: Lone Wolf
Scholastic Us
Broschiertes Buch
Bestselling author Kathryn Lasky's Wolves of the Beyond, the stunning new spin-off from the legendary Guardians of Ga'hoole, is now in paperback! A wolf mother has given birth, but the warm bundle snuffling next to her brings only anguish. The pup, otherwise healthy, has a twisted paw, and the mother knows what the harsh code of the pack demands. Her pup will be taken from her and abandoned on a desolate hill. The pack cannot have weakness - the wolf mother knows that her pup is condemned to die. But alone in the wilderness, the pup, Faolan, does not perish. This is his story - a story of survival, of courage, and of love triumphant.
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