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Oliver: This adventure belongs to

Preisvergleich Produktbild Oliver: This adventure belongs to
This is a stunning picture book debut that celebrates the power of the imagination and the strength of friendship. Oliver is different. He enjoys his solitude. He likes playing with his friends, who are puppets, stuffed animals, and other toys. With his rich imagination, Oliver's day is never dull. There are bridges to cross, sharks to fight and treasures to find! But maybe toys don't always give a boy everything he needs. Maybe he needs another kind of companion. Will Oliver discover a way to be, well, different When his tennis ball rolls across the lawn into the yard of the girl next door, he just might be surprised. Readers - both parents and children alike - will recognize themselves in the character of Oliver, a little boy trying to find his way through the world. Birgitta's remarkable talent for visual storytelling is sure to make this one of the most exciting picture books in 2013! It is a book that demands re-reading. Tiny, humorous details can be spotted on each page...look out for the mouse and the girl in the red dress!
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