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The Shrinky Dinks Book

von Klutz
Preisvergleich Produktbild The Shrinky Dinks Book
Shrinky Dinks is amazing shrinkable plastic. Draw or trace a design on it, color it, cut it out, stick it in the oven and your creation shrinks to nearly half its original size. You get six sheets of Shrinky Dinks in this book along with a mind-boggling collection of ready-to-trace, ready-to-color, ready-to-shrink artwork. Ages 6 and up. 38 pages. More Info: KLUTZ-The Shrinky Dinks Book Kit. Shrinky Dinks is amazing shrinkable plastic. Draw or trace a design on it, color it, cut it out with ordinary scissors, bake it for mere minutes on a cookie sheet in your oven and, presto, your creation shrinks to 44% of its original size. This kit includes six 10x7-3/4 inch sheets of shrink plastic and detailed instructions. Recommended for ages 8 and up. Adult supervision recommended. Conforms to ASTM D4236. Spiral Bound: 30 pages. Author: Anne Akers Johnson. Imported.
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