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Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek (A Five Little Monkeys Story)

von Houghton Mifflin
Preisvergleich Produktbild Five Little Monkeys Play Hide and Seek (A Five Little Monkeys Story)
Houghton Mifflin
Mama's out dancing, and Lulu, the babysitter, is in charge. The Five Little Monkeys are supposed to go to bed, but they convince Lulu there's time for just one game of hide-and-seek first . . . and then another, and another . . . until they discover the ultimate hiding place. Lulu is frantic; where can those monkeys be
Vibrant, expressive illustrations in Eileen Christelow's signature style accompany a catchy rhymed text that's great for reading aloud. The refrain invites children to join in; as Lulu counts to 10, 24, and finally 104, young listeners will count along with her. And what little monkey can resist the idea of mischief at bedtime
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