Based on the true story of her great uncle and freedom fighter Dinesh Gupta, Lions and Tigers is the new play by leading playwright Tanika Gupta. This dramatically relevant and authentic story is set against the backdrop of negotiations between the leaders of the Indian National Congress; the future Prime Minister Nehru wavers between his respect for Gandhi's non-violence and his admiration for the youthful fervour of the militant Bengali nationalist, Subhas Chandra Bose.Lions and Tigers charts Dinesh Gupta's emotional and political awakening as this extraordinary 19 year old pits himself against the British Raj. Culminating in actions that shook the foundations of the British Empire, Lions and Tigers challenges our assumptions about Indian independence and offers new insights into the battles between the British lions and the Bengal tigers.The letters by Nehru, Gandhi and Bose mentioned throughout the play are also taken verbatim from their original correspondence.
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